Energy Zapped?? Get Your Energy Back!

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Remember those old mosquito killing tennis racket-like zappers? Bzzzz!

Have you experienced any of the following energy zappers!? These things zap your energy and leave you feeling completed exhausted and counting the minutes until bedtime.

  1. You feel other people’s emotions or problems and take them on as your own.

    Are you an empath? If you are, you absorb other’s people’s emotions. If these other people are your children or your close family members that you love dearly, your energy can be depleted rapidly because you are taking on the problem but aren’t in the driver seat to come up with an immediate solution.

  2. You don’t take care of your basic physical human needs.

    It might seem basic, but I know me and I know you. You forget to eat. You go to bed late and wake up early and rely on caffeine to get your through the day. You haven’t been getting physical exercise in months. You are overwhelmed, but haven’t taken any time to even breath and make a list of all that you need to do. (I know, you think I have secret cameras in your house, I don’t lol)

  3. You are taking on more than your fair share.

    When you are trying to be Superwoman and keep the whole house together, all the laundry done, the food bought, the beds made, the work finished, the homework started and dinner prepped do you wonder why you have no energy!?!?!? You are trying to do it all. ALONE!! Why do we underestimate our families?!? They can share the load!!

  4. You don’t eat real food.

    Food is not created equal! You grab something quick to eat but it has no nutritional benefit to the body. Our body’s run on fuel- it is called REAL FOOD!

  5. Adrenal fatigue

    Your body has a fight or flight response when you get stressed, angry, frustrated, fear that the kids are hurt, or a variety of other stressors. The cortisol hormones that surge and the exhaustion that follows is normal, but if you experience this often you can suffer from adrenal fatigue. Please reach out to us at if this is you and you would like some natural solutions to support your body! Again, I have been there!

Is hope lost? Are you destined to be exhausted and drained?


There are amazing solutions to bring your body back into balance.

  1. Control your stress level.

    Ask for help. Say no to obligations that are no longer serving your health. “ No thank you” is a complete sentence! Make time for active and inactive rest. Quiet time, meditation, prayer, long walks outside, bubble baths with calming essential oils and deep breathing are great to lower the stress response in the body!

  2. Get good sleep!

    Use lavender and frankincense, roman chamomile, vetiver, cedar wood, or many together in a blend. Make a nighttime routine for yourself to set your body clock. Wake up and go to bed at the same time each day.

  3. Exercise

    It might seem counter-intuitive but exercise will help boost good hormones and will make you more tired at night for a great night sleep.

  4. Eat for energy!

    Not all food is fuel. Eat healthy fats, lean protein, berries, beans, raw nuts, complex carbohydrates. Commit to eating just these foods for a week and you will be shocked at how your energy level will skyrocket. Eliminating sugar and processed foods is key as well!

  5. Limit alcohol and other poisons.

    Your body knows what is a friend and what is not. If you drink alcohol, dilute it in your body with lots of water. Use non-toxic personal products and cleaning supplies. Your body can’t have energy when it’s bogged down with chemicals that it has to work overtime to eliminate!

  6. Use supplements and essential oils.

    Contact us at The Well to try the Mito2Max Energy and Stamina complex. It is all natural, mitochondrial energy, not a caffeine buzz. Spice and citrus oils help through aromatherapy to help you feel energy and motivated. Motivate is a great blend of essential oils or peppermint and wild orange together.

You don’t have to feel zapped.

There are so many lifestyle and natural solutions. Stay away from the energy drinks. (see #5 above!) Give you body patience and love and fuel. You can’t show up in this world the way we need you to if you don’t have energy!

xoxo, Kari

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Kari Turner Davis with the Find the Beauty Podcast is founder of and a certified Holistic Life Coach and dōTERRA Essential Oils Educator. A dōTERRA Diamond leader, Kari is passionate about empowering women with the tools they need to reach financial freedom while educating moms to embrace the idea of a natural and non-toxic lifestyle. Kari and her husband, Bobby, live in Naples, Florida with their combined five children. They enjoy boating, spending time together as a family and creating an enjoyable lifestyle that revolves around filling up your tank to serve others in a higher capacity.